How to wear and accessorize this dress: Keep it simple, even jewelry may be already too much when wearing watercolor prints. Try too keep your accessories matched to your shoes in color and if possible also material. Just see yourself as the white, neutral canvas that the watercolor is painted on. If possible try to pick up either the darkest color of the dress or white for your choice of matching accessories and shoes. Less is more also when it comes to make up: only eye shadow or only lipstick will do.
How to wear it as a shirt: A great combination is to wear a watercolor print shirt with a white pair of jeans. This look kind of picks up the idea of the canvas again.
When to wear it: Wear it in your spare time though because unless you are in the creative field it might not fit in too well. However, try pairing up a watercolor print shirt with a white classy blazer and a pair of regular pants.