Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Moda Filipina: The Ladies Who Rocked Fashion

In Ayala Alabang, a great number of fair ladies are involved in activities that promote a greater cause for society. Some of them join a group devoted to uplifting culture, while others are active in raising funds for the less fortunate.
One example of a dynamic lady is Mimi Valerio. On social occasions, Mimi is almost omnipresent—whether it’s in a chi-chi sosyalan or in a religious get-together. (Let’s also not forget that she’s the brains behind the widely popular Saint James Bazaar in Ayala Alabang!)
Moda Filipina, provided an out-of-this-world approach to Philippine Fashion presentations. Instead of having models such as Ria Bolivar rule the runway, the event allowed the officers and members of the Friends for Cultural Concerns of the Philippines, Inc. (FCCP) the opportunity to strut their stuff onstage. They were fearless, like spring chickens! It’s amazing how these seniors rocked it!
These women were sensational. Unforgettable! With choreography by Raymond Villanueva, these ladies (composed of brave mothers and grandmas) showed to us, the ecstatic crowd, that they still had what it took to be at par with the likes of Marina Benipayo, who still does modeling stints for Philippine Fashion Week.

Here are pictures of some of the women who caught my attention, as captured by my own digital camera, whether onstage or among the audience. Congratulations, audacious ladies!
Disclaimer: if you are reading this article on one of this site, designandfashion.info , you are reading stolen content. To view this article from its original source visit swedes-love-fashion.blogspot.com


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