Monday, April 13, 2009

All About Slips

A slip is a woman's undergarment worn beneath a dress or skirt to help it hang smoothly and to prevent chafing of the skin from coarse fabrics such as wool. Slips are also worn for warmth, and to protect fine fabrics from perspiration. A full slip hangs from the shoulders, usually by means of narrow straps, and extends from the breast to the fashionable skirt length. While the half slip hangs from the waist it is also known as petticoat. Some fashion designers like Polo Ralph Lauren create styles for street wear styled like a slip, fitting close to the body and having narrow shoulder straps and it is called as a slip dress.

polo ralph lauren

Slips are usually made of a smooth and slippery fabric such as silk, satin, polyester, tricot or nylon, although cotton slips are also used particularly in hot countries. They are often decorated with lace at the edges and hem, and are typically worn over more intimate undergarments. Slips are also worn for modesty under translucent outer garments. A half slip may be worn with a matching camisole as an alternative to a full slip.

So many designer clothing articles come with their own linings that women are finding it less and less necessary to wear a slip beneath an outfit. Slips, like anything else, have a useful purpose. Wear them in good taste to reap the benefits of this lingerie item, or else put them away and make do with contemporary clothing's individual liners. Here are a few guidelines that may help you on wearing a slip:

When wearing a lightweight fabric: Hanging or transparent clothing may require that you wear a slip underneath for the sake of modesty. Try on your thin summer blouse or long silky skirt with and without a slip to compare how they look. Get a second opinion if possible. Stand in direct light and also with light behind you so that it can be determined if the fabric can be seen through. You do not want to expose underwear lines or bodily contours that are meant to be kept private.

When wearing a delicate outfit: A cocktail dress or a long formal will surely need a slip for proper fit. The undergarment will help to ensure that the outer fabric lays properly and does not wrinkle. Make sure the slip style fits the garment's shape as much as possible so you don't have the slip's edges showing through a skirt slit or under your arms. Wear a slip in a neutral color or one that coordinates with the dress so that it doesn't show underneath, as would a white slip under a black dress, or vice versa.

When wearing a clingy garment: Any type of clothing that sticks to your skin may need a slip to keep it in line. A slip will smooth and tame the fabric so it doesn't bunch or cling where it shouldn't. Try a cotton or a silk slip to see which has a better effect on the garment you plan to wear.

Wear the right slip with your outfit: Don't wear a short slip with a long skirt, or a lacy slip with a transparent blouse. Check the mirror before leaving the house to be sure the outfit looks all right. In some cases the slip may be superfluous, as when the outfit has its own slip or the fabric is heavy enough to do without one. But always check so you have no regrets later when you arrive at the public event you plan to attend.

Whatever your taste in clothing, there's a slip waiting to be worn underneath for a smoother fit and less see-through potential.


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