Modern moccasin footwear may be made out of any number of different leathers. Sheepskin moccasin slippers are the most popular type, and generally the most affordable, but deerskin, cow leather, and moose slippers are also seen regularly. Moccasin slippers are often lined with something other than the leather itself, often a sheep’s wool, but sometimes a heavy fleece or other material. This allows them to be even softer, and also helps them better absorb sweat from the foot.
Many moccasin footwear include leather laces, although these are largely ornamental, as most are not a tight enough fit to necessitate any sort of lace. Some also include leather ornamentation in the form of fringe, or even embroidery. They may come in a wide range of colors, from the natural colors of the hides they are made of, to bleached white leather, to dyed black leather, or any number of exotic artificial colors as well.
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