Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Escape from Style Rut

Style rut is the situation where you do not know what to wear or unable to find something suitable enough for you. And all of you who spend hours standing in front of their wardrobes thinking which designer clothing to choose every morning, it is a sign of the fact that you now need to update your look even though you have tons of collection clothes and accessories made by your favorite designer like Polo Ralph Lauren.

There might also be few among us who think that it’s no use following fashion trends or being stylish because it only comes with money and fame. All of us have the right to be stylish and look best in every way, whether you are working, unemployed or mother taking care of kids, There’s one thing you must know and that is looking good isn’t about money, it’s about your attitude and your style. All you have to learn are ways to manage your pocket to your advantage!

Even if you are wearing simple clothes, you can look better than many others wearing the best of brands and accessories. Just develop your self-confidence. Because if you are not confident to what you are wearing people will easily sense your discomfort. So first be confident about yourself. A woman’s grace lies in her poise and the aura she carries about herself.

Secondly, never think that you can look stylish only if you have the perfect size. Another rule of the thumb is that being stylish has nothing to do with your size; it is about making the most of your shape. If you try you won’t loose much time in knowing what cut and colors would ideally compliment your body shape and skin tone. All you need to do is spend a few hours on the net and you’ll be loaded with all kinds of information on your subject.

So its time to bring out your real beauty from within. Learn first to appreciate your self so that others will appreciate you too.


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